
Array dimensions iteration

The array dimensions span an N-dimensional space of integral indices. Sometimes we just want to quickly iterate over all coordinates in this index space. This is what llama::ArrayIndexRange is for, which is a range in the C++ sense and offers the begin() and end() member functions with corresponding iterators to support STL algorithms or the range-for loop.

llama::ArrayIndexRange range{llama::ArrayIndex{3, 3}};

std::for_each(range.begin(), range.end(), [](llama::ArrayIndex<2> ai) {
    // ai is {0, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, 2}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 0}, {2, 1}, {2, 2}

for (auto ai : range) {
    // ai is {0, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, 2}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 0}, {2, 1}, {2, 2}

Record dimension iteration

The record dimension is iterated using llama::forEachLeafCoord. It takes a record dimension as template argument and a callable with a generic parameter as argument. This function’s operator() is then called for each leaf of the record dimension tree with a record coord as argument. A polymorphic lambda is recommended to be used as a functor.

llama::forEachLeafCoord<Pixel>([&](auto rc) {
    // rc is RecordCoord <0, 0 >{}, RecordCoord <0, 1>{}, RecordCoord <0, 2>{} and RecordCoord <1>{}

Optionally, a subtree of the record dimension can be chosen for iteration. The subtree is selected either via a RecordCoord or a series of tags.

llama::forEachLeafCoord<Pixel>([&](auto rc) {
    // rc is RecordCoord <0, 0 >{}, RecordCoord <0, 1>{} and RecordCoord <0, 2>{}
}, color{});

llama::forEachLeafCoord<Pixel>([&](auto rc) {
    // rc is RecordCoord <0, 1>{}
}, color{}, g{});

View iterators

Iterators on views of any dimension are supported and open up the standard library for use in conjunction with LLAMA:

using Pixel = ...;
using ArrayExtents = llama::ArrayExtents<std::size_t, llama::dyn>;
// ...
auto view = llama::allocView(mapping);
// ...

// range for
for (auto vd : view)
    vd(color{}, r{}) = 1.0f;

auto view2 = llama::allocView (...); // with different mapping

// layout changing copy
std::copy(begin(aosView), end(aosView), begin(soaView));

// transform into other view
std::transform(begin(view), end(view), begin(view2), [](auto vd) { return vd(color{}) * 2; });

// accumulate using One as accumulator and destructure result
const auto [r, g, b] = std::accumulate(begin(view), end(view), One<RGB>{},
    [](auto acc, auto vd) { return acc + vd(color{}); });

// C++20:
for (auto x : view | std::views::transform([](auto vd) { return vd(x{}); }) | std::views::take(2))
    // ...